Email: whyang@scau.edu.cn
1992/09-1998/05,美国密西根大学,分子细胞发育生物学系,博士,导师:John Schiefelbein
2016/08-至今, suncity太阳新城,二级教授
2002/08-2009/06,美国康乃尔大学 Boyce Thompson植物研究所,助研究员,
独立课题负责人(Principal Investigator), 博导
“Plant Molecular Biology”副主编
“Seed Biology”副主编
“Plant Communications”编委
1. 主持国家科技部“十四五”重点研发项目“玉米高产优质性状形成的分子调控网络及其协同改良机制”(项目总经费,7000万元,执行期限: 2021/12-2026-11);
2. 主持国家自然基金创新群体项目“籼粳亚种间杂种优势利用”(项目总经费,1050万元,执行期限:2020/01-2024/12);
3. 主持国家自然基金委重点项目“玉米避荫反应和耐密株型调控网络解析”(项目总经费:282万元,执行期限2022/01-2026/12/);
4. 主持广东省重点领域研发计划项目“粮油作物多组学育种技术原始创新与重大品种选育”(项目总经费:1500万元,执行期限2022/01-2026/12);
5. 主持海南省科技厅崖州湾国家种子实验室重点项目“高产优质抗逆新基因挖掘与突破性种质资源创新”(500万元,执行期限2021/01-2023/12 );
6. 主持广东省教育厅高水平大学建设项目“籼粳亚种间杂种优势利用关键性状分子遗传基础”(500 万元,执行期限2019/05-2022/04);
7. 作为课题负责人参与刘耀光院士主持的广东省基础与应用基础研究重大项目“水稻高产优质关键性状的分子机理解析及种质创新”(项目总经费4475万元,本人为课题负责人,课题经费358万元,执行期限2020/01-2025/12);
8. 作为课题负责人参与刘耀光院士主持广东省岭南现代种业与生物技术实验室重点项目“南方主要作物高产优质关键性状的分子基础和基因工程育种技术”(项目总经费1500万元,本人为课题负责人,课题经费250万元,执行期限2021/08-2023/07)。
1. 主持国家自然基金委-广东联合基金重点项目,U1701232“水稻株型与粒宽关键调控基因的功能与分子机理研究”(项目总经费:270万元,执行期限2018/01-2021/12);
2. 主持国家科技部十三五国家重点研发计划项目“小麦等作物功能基因组研究与应用”,“课题1“作物规模化基因鉴定与基因组育种技术平台”(课题总经费:805万元,执行期限2016/07-2020/12);
3. 主持国家自然科学基金重点项目,31430008,植物生物钟核心基因CCA1表达调控的分子机理研究(执行期限2015/01-2019/12,345万元);
4. 参加国家高技术研究发展计划(863计划), 2011AA10A107, 水稻智能不育系的创制与应用,2011/01-2015/12,1343万元,已结题,子课题负责人;
5.参加湖南省科技重大专项,2009fj1012,超级杂交稻分子育种研究,2009/01-2011/12, 690 万元,已结题,课题负责人;
6. 参加国家高技术研究发展计划(863计划),2009AA101201,水稻智能不育分子设计技术研究及新型不育系的创制,2009/11-2010/12,2600万元,课题负责人。
1. 美国国家自然科学基金(NSS,IOS-1026630),ELF4基因表达和生物钟节律的转录调控,2010/09-2014/08, 672,882美元,已结题,主持;
2. 美国国家自然科学基金(NSF, MCB-074606),可逆磷酸化修饰调控拟南芥HFR1蛋白功能的机理研究,2008/05-2012/04,499,849美元, 已结题,主持;
3.美国国家自然科学基金(NSF,IOS-0641639),FHY3和FAR1蛋白在拟南芥光敏色素A信号途径中转录调控作用机理的研究:2007/06-2010/05, 420,000 美元, 已结题,主持;
4.美国国家自然科学基金(NSF, MCB-042032),拟南芥光信号途径中HFR1功能的调控机理研究,2004/09-2008/08,339,322美元, 已结题,主持;
5.美国国家自然科学基金(NSF, DBI-0500689),联合利用混合四极TOF串联质谱和UPLC进行蛋白质复合体分析和比较蛋白质组学研究,2005/09-2009/08,348,632美元, 已结题,共同主持。
1. Wang, B., Hou, M., Shi, J., Ku, L., Song, W., Li, C., Ning, Q., Li, X., Li, C., Zhao, B., Zhang, R., Xu, H., Bai, Z., Xia, Z., Wang, H., Kong, D., Wei, H., Jing, Y., Dai, Z., Wang, H.H., Zhu, X., Li, C., Sun, X., Wang, S., Yao, W., Hou, G., Qi, Z., Dai, H., Li, X., Zheng, H., Zhang, Z., Li, Y., Wang, T., Jiang, T., Wan, Z., Chen*, Y., Zhao*, J., Lai*, J., Wang*, H. (2023). De NovoGenome Assembly and Analyses of Twelve Founder Inbred Lines Provide Insights into Maize Heterotic Groups and Heterosis. Nature Genetics 55(2):312-323.
2. Zhao Y, Zhao B, Xie Y, Jia H, Li Y, Xu M, Wu G, Ma X, Li Q, Hou M, Li C, Xia Z, He G, Xu H, Bai Z, Kong D, Zheng Z, Liu Q, Liu Y, Zhong J, Tian F, Wang B, Wang*, H.(2023). The evening complex promotes maize flowering and adaptation to temperate regions.Plant Cell 35(1):369-389.
Wang*, H. (2023). UB2/UB3/TSH4-anchored transcriptional networks regulate early maize inflorescence development in response to simulated shade.Plant Cell 35(2):717-737.
Wang*, H.Local auxin biosynthesis regulates brace root angle and lodging resistance in maize.New Phytol. 238(1):142-154.
5. Li, C., Guan, H., Jing, X., Li, Y., Wang, B., Li, Y., Liu, X., Zhang, D., Liu, C., Xie, X., Zhao, H., Wang, Y., Liu, J., Zhang, P., Hu, G., Li, G., Li, S., Sun, D., Wang, X, Shi, Y., Song, Y., Jiao, C., Ross-Ibarra*, J., Li*, Y., Wang*, T., Wang*, H. (2022). Genomic insights into historical improvement of heterotic groups during modern hybrid maize breeding. Nature Plants 8(7):750-763. doi: 10.1038/s41477-022-01190-2. Epub 2022 Jul 18.
Wang*, H.Overexpression of ZmSPL12 confers enhanced lodging resistance through transcriptional regulation of D1 in maize.Plant Biotechnol J. 20(4):622-624.
Wang*, H.ZmSPL10/14/26 are required for epidermal hair cell fate specification on maize leaf.New Phytol. 230(4):1533-1549.
Wang*, H.DWARF53 interacts with transcription factors UB2/UB3/TSH4 to regulate maize tillering and tassel branching.Plant Physiol. 187(2):947-962.
9. Wang B, Lin Z, Li X, Zhao Y, Zhao B, Wu G, Ma X, Wang H, Xie Y, Li Q, Song G, Kong D, Zheng Z, Wei H, Shen R, Wu H, Chen C, Meng Z, Wang T, Li Y, Li X, Chen Y, Lai J, Hufford MB, Ross-Ibarra J, He* H, Wang* H. (2020).Genome-wide selection and genetic improvement during modern maize breeding.Nature Genetics 52(6):565-571.
10. Wang*, H.The retromer protein ZmVPS29 regulates maize kernel morphology likely through an auxin-dependent process(es).Plant Biotechnol J. 18(4):1004-1014.
Wang*, H.CRISPR/Cas9-mediated knockout and overexpression studies reveal a role of maize phytochrome C in regulating flowering time and plant height.Plant Biotechnol J. 18(12):2520-2532.
Wang*, H.. Characterization of Maize Phytochrome-Interacting Factors in Light Signaling and Photomorphogenesis.Plant Physiol. 181(2):789-803.
Wang*, H.Targeted manipulation of grain shape genes effectively improves outcrossing rate and hybrid seed production in rice.Plant Biotechnol J. 21(2):381-390.
Wang*, H.BRASSINOSTEROID-SIGNALING KINASE1-1, a positive regulator of brassinosteroid signalling, modulates plant architecture and grain size in rice.J Exp Bot. 74(1):283-295.
3. Wang*, H.Auxin regulates source-sink carbohydrate partitioning and reproductive organ development in rice.Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 119(36):e2121671119.
Wang, H.The APC/CTE E3 Ubiquitin Ligase Complex Mediates the Antagonistic Regulation of Root Growth and Tillering by ABA and GA.Plant Cell 32(6):1973-1987.
Wang, H.OsSHI1 Regulates Plant Architecture Through Modulating the Transcriptional Activity of IPA1 in Rice.Plant Cell 31(5):1026-1042.
Post-transcriptional regulation of Ghd7 protein stability by phytochrome and OsGI in photoperiodic control of flowering in rice.New Phytol. 224(1):306-320.
7. Yu, X., Zhao, Z., Zheng, X., Zhou, J., Kong, W., Wang, P., Bai, W., Zheng, H., Zhang, H., Li, J., Liu, J., Wang, Q., Zhang, L., Liu, K., Yu, Y., Gui, X., Wang, J., Lin, Q., Wu, F., Ren, Y., Zhu, S., Zhang, X., Cheng, Z., Lei, C., Liu S., Tian, Y., Jiang, L., Ge, S., Wu*., C., Tao*, D., Wang*, H., Wan*, J. (2018). A selfish genetic element confers non-899 Mendelian inheritance in rice. Science 360, 1130-1132.
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Wang*, H.D14-SCF(D3)-dependent degradation of D53 regulates strigolactone signalling.Nature 504(7480):406-10.
Wang*, H.A role for a dioxygenase in auxin metabolism and reproductive development in rice.Dev Cell. 27(1):113-22.
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3. Wang*, H. (2020). FHY3 and FAR1 Integrate Light Signals with the miR156-SPL Module-Mediated Aging Pathway to Regulate Arabidopsis Flowering.Mol Plant 13(3):483-498.
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1. Wang*, B., Zhu, L., Zhao, B., Zhao, Y., Xie, Y., Zheng, Z., Li, Y., Sun, J., Wang*, H. (2019). Development of a Haploid-Inducer Mediated Genome Editing System for Accelerating Maize Breeding. Mol Plant12(4):597-602.
Wang*Development of the Third-Generation Hybrid Rice in China.Genomics Proteomics Bioinformatics. 16(6):393-396.
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Wang*Integration of light and hormone signaling pathways in the regulation of plant shade avoidance syndrome.aBIOTECH 2(2):131-145.
Wang*Light Regulation of Stomatal Development and Patterning: Shifting the Paradigm from Arabidopsis to Grasses.Plant Commun. 1(2):100030.
4. Wang*SMXL6/7/8: Dual-Function Transcriptional Repressors of Strigolactone Signaling.Mol Plant 13(9):1244-1246.
5. Wang* (2020). UPA2 and ZmRAVL1: Promising targets of genetic improvement of maize plant architecture.J Integr Plant Biol. 62(4):394-397.
6. Wei H, Zhao Y, Xie Y, Wang* (2018). Exploiting SPL genes to improve maize plant architecture tailored for high-density planting.J Exp Bot. 69(20):4675-4688.
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Wang*Multifaceted roles of FHY3 and FAR1 in light signaling and beyond.Trends Plant Sci. 20(7):453-61.
Wang*The miR156/SPL Module, a Regulatory Hub and Versatile Toolbox, Gears up Crops for Enhanced Agronomic Traits.Mol Plant 8(5):677-88.