


岭南现代农业科学与技术广东省实验室 研究员

suncity太阳新城 院长






1998-2007    suncitygroup太阳官方网站获农学学士和博士学位


2007-2011    suncitygroup太阳官方网站和复旦大学 博士后

2004-2005和2013-2014    宾州州立大学 访问学者

2011-2015    复旦大学suncity太阳新城 副研究员

2015-2020    复旦大学suncity太阳新城 研究员

2020至今     复旦大学 特聘教授

2022至今     suncity太阳新城 教授

2022至今     岭南现代农业科学与技术广东省实验室 研究员


Senior Editor in Seed Biology

Guest Associate Editor in PLOS Genetics

Associate Editor in Scientific Reports

Associate Editor in Reproduction and Breeding









    减数分裂直接影响动物生殖和作物育性与产量。申请人一直致力于以植物为材料,从事减数分裂的分子机制研究,取得的主要成果包括:1)揭示了4个DNA复制因子在减数分裂重组中的功能,提出包括DNA后随链合成的重组模型;2)发现了重组在染色体间的分布规律及调控机制;3)阐明了减数分裂特异染色体浓缩进程的表观遗传调控机制。迄今在Annual Review of  Plant Biology、Nature Plants、Plant Cell、PNAS等杂志共发表SCI论文和综述54篇。

获上海市青年科技启明星计划、教育部国家重点人才工程(国内)、国家基金委“杰出青年”基金;入选复旦大学“卓学”和“卓识” 人才计划;复星医药奖教金一等奖(3次)和特等奖(1次);复旦大学生科院院长奖和遗传与发育协同创新中心年度十大科技进展等。


1、Xu WY, Yu Y, Jing JL, Wu Z, Zhang XM, You CJ, Ma H, Copenhaver GP, He Y, Wang YX*. SCFRMF mediates degradation of the meiosis-specific recombinase DMC1. Nature Communications. 2023 14(1):5044

2、 Li JC#, Wang C#, Liang W, Zhang J, Jiang CK, Liu Y, Ren Z, Ci D, Chang J, Han S, Deng    XW, Wang YX*, Qian WQ*. Functional importance and divergence of plant apurinic/apyrimidinic endonucleases in somatic and meiotic DNA repair. Plant Cell. 2023 35:2316-2331

3、Wang C#, Huang J, Li Y, Zhang J, He C, Li T, Jiang DH, Dong AW, Ma H*, Copenhaver GP*. Wang YX*.DNA Polymerase Epsilon Binds Histone H3.1-H4 and Recruits MORC1 to Mediate Meiotic Heterochromatin Condensation. PNAS, 2022, 119(43): e2213540119.

4、Wang C, Huang J, Zhang J, You Y, Copenhaver GP. You CJ*, Wang YX*. DNA polymerase epsilon interacts with SUVH2/9 to repress the expression of genes associated with meiotic DSB hotspot in Arabidopsis, PNAS, 2022, 119(43): e2208441119.

5、Xian P, Cai Z, Jiang B, Xia Q, Cheng Y, Yang Y, Zhou Q, Lian T, Ma Q, Wang Y*, Ge L*, Nian H*. GmRmd1 encodes a TIR-NBS-BSP protein and confers resistance to powdery mildew in soybean. Plant Commun. 2022, Aug 10:100418. doi: 10.1016.

6、He C#, Chen Z#, Zhao Y, Yu Y, Wang H, Wang C, Copenhaver GP, Qi J*, Wang YX*.Histone demethylase IBM1-mediated meiocyte gene expression ensures meiotic chromosome synapsis and recombination. PLoS Genet. 2022 18:e1010041.

7、Li X, Zhang J, Huang J, Xu J, Chen Z, Copenhaver GP, Wang YX*. Regulation of interference-sensitive crossover distribution ensures crossover assurance in Arabidopsis. PNAS. 2021 118:e2107543118.

8、Chen H#, He C#, Wang C#, Wang X, Ruan F, Yan J, Yin P, Wang YX*, Yan SP*. RAD51 supports DMC1 by inhibiting the SMC5/6 complex during meiosis. Plant Cell. 2021 Aug 31;33(8):2869-2882.

9、Li X, Yu MS, Bolaños-Villegas P, Zhang J, Ni DA, Ma H, Wang YX*. Fanconi Anemia Ortholog FANCM Regulates Meiotic Crossover Distribution in Plants. Plant Physiology, 2021, 186:344-360.

10、Fang XL, Han YP, Liu MS, Jiang JC, Li X, Lian QC, Xie XR, Huang Y, Ma QB, Nian H, Qi J, Yang CY*, Wang YX*. Modulation of Evening Complex Activity Enables North-to-South Adaptation of Soybean. SCIENCE CHINA Life Sciences, 2020, (Cover story) 中国科学生命科学专文点评

11、Wang J#, Yu CY#, Zhuang SB, Ye JY, Dai H, Wang HK, Huang JY, Cao XF, Ma JB*, Ma H*, Wang YX*. Cell-type-dependent histone demethylase specificity promotes meiotic chromosome condensation in Arabidopsis. Nature Plants, 2020, 10.1038/s41477-020-0697-0.

12、Wang HK#, Xu WY#, Sun YJ, Lian QC, Wang C, Yu CY, He CP, Wang J, Ma H, Copenhaver GP*, Wang YX*. The cohesin loader SCC2 contains a PHD finger that is required for meiosis in land plants. PLoS Genetics, 2020, doi.org/10.1371/journal.pgen.1008849.

13、Huang JY#, Wang C#, Li X, Fang XL, Huang N, Wang Y, Ma H, Wang YX*, Copenhaver GP*. Conservation and divergence in the meiocyte sRNAomes of Arabidopsis, soybean and cucumber. Plant Physiology, 2020, 82:301-317.

14、Xu RY#, Xu J#, Wang LD#, Niu BX, Copenhaver GP, Ma H, Zheng BL, Wang YX*. The Arabidopsis anaphase promoting complex/cyclosome subunit 8 is required for male meiosis. New Phytologist, 2019, 224(1):229-24.

15、1Huang JY#, Wang C#, Wang HF, Lu PL, Zheng BL, Ma H, Copenhaver GP, Wang YX*. Meiocyte-specific and AtSPO11-1-dependent small RNAs and their association with meiotic gene expression and recombination. Plant Cell, 2019, 31:1-21. In brief by the editor in the same issue.

16、Wang C#, Huang JY#, Zhang J, Wang HK, Han YP, Copenhaver GP, Ma H, Wang YX*. The Largest Subunit of DNA Polymerase Delta is Important for Normal Formation of Meiotic Type I Crossovers in Arabidopsis. Plant Physiology, 2019, 179: 446-459.

17、Xue M#, Wang J#, Jiang LG, Wolfe S, Pawlowskic WP*, Wang YX*, He Y* (2018) The number of meiotic double-strand breaks influences crossover distribution in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell, 2018, 30: 2628-2638,

18、Wang YX*, Copenhaver GP*. Meiotic Recombination: Mixing It Up in Plants. Annual Review Plant Biology. 2018, 69: 577-609

19、Su H#, Chen ZH#, Huang JY, Lin J, Copenhaver GP, Ma H, Wang YX*. Arabidopsis RAD51, RAD51C and XRCC3 proteins form a complex and facilitate RAD51 localization on chromosomes for meiotic recombination. PLoS Genetics, 2017, e1006827. doi: 10.1371

20、Wang J, Niu BX, Huang JY, Wang HK, Yang XH, Dong AW, Mackaroff C, Ma H, Wang YX*. Arabidopsis MMD1 Ensures the Progression of Male Meiotic Chromosome Condensation and Directly Regulates the Expression of Condensin Gene CAP-D3. Plant Cell. 2016, 28:1894-1909.

21、Niu BX#, Wang LD#, Zhang LS, Ren D, Ren R, Copenhaver GP, Ma H*, Wang YX*. The Arabidopsis CDC20.1 Gene is Required for Normal Meiotic Spindle Assembly and Chromosome Segregation. Plant Cell. 2015, 27:1-16.

22、Huang JY#, Cheng ZH#, Wang C, Hong Y, Su H, Wang H, Copenhaver GP, Ma H*, Wang YX*. Formation of interference-sensitive meiotic crossovers requires sufficient DNA leading strand elongation. PNAS, 2015, 112:12534-9.