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连启超博士,suncitygroup太阳官方网站教授,博士生导师,课题组组长/PI,国家级青年人才项目获得者,洪堡学者。20197月,于复旦大学获得生物信息学博士学位;20199月至202412月,在德国马克斯普朗克植物育种研究所从事博士后研究;20251月入职suncity太阳新城任教授。主要研究领域为生物信息学、计算基因组学与遗传学、基因组变异和减数分裂重组多态性等。近年来,以第一作者(含共同)在Nature Genetics, Nature Communications (2), Nucleic Acids Research等期刊上发表论文,以主要作者在Nature Plants, Nature Communications, Genome Biology, PNAS等期刊上发表论文。












Lian, Q., Huettel, B., Walkemeier, B., Mayjonade, B., Lopez-Roques, C., Gil, L., Roux, F., Schneeberger, K. and Mercier, R., 2024. A pan-genome of 69 Arabidopsis thaliana accessions reveals a conserved genome structure throughout the global species range. Nature Genetics, pp.1-10. (Featured Article)

Lian, Q.and Mercier, R., 2024. Constants and variations in 69 diverse genomes of Arabidopsis thaliana. Nature Genetics, 56(5), pp.748-749.

Lian, Q., Maestroni, L., Gaudin, M., Llorente, B. and Mercier, R., 2023. Meiotic recombination is confirmed to be unusually high in the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe. iScience, 26(9).

Lian, Q., Solier, V., Walkemeier, B., Durand, S., Huettel, B., Schneeberger, K. and Mercier, R., 2022. The megabase-scale crossover landscape is largely independent of sequence divergence. Nature Communications, 13(1), p.3828.

Durand, S.#, Lian, Q.#, Jing, J.#, Ernst, M., Grelon, M., Zwicker, D. and Mercier, R., 2022. Joint control of meiotic crossover patterning by the synaptonemal complex and HEI10 dosage. Nature Communications, 13(1), p.5999.

Lian, Q., Chen, Y., Chang, F., Fu, Y. and Qi, J., 2022. inGAP-family: accurate detection of meiotic recombination loci and causal mutations by filtering out artificial variants due to genome complexities. Genomics, Proteomics and Bioinformatics, 20(3), pp.524-535.

Liu, J.#, Lian, Q.#, Chen, Y. and Qi, J., 2019. Amino acid based de Bruijn graph algorithm for identifying complete coding genes from metagenomic and metatranscriptomic short reads. Nucleic Acids Research, 47(5), pp.e30-e30. 2019年度“中国生物信息学十大算法和工具”)

Capilla-Pérez, L., Solier, V., Gilbault, E., Lian, Q., Goel, M., Huettel, B., Keurentjes, J.J., Loudet, O. and Mercier, R., 2024. Enhanced recombination empowers the detection and mapping of Quantitative Trait Loci. Communications Biology, 7(1), p.829.

Fernandes, J.B., Naish, M., Lian, Q., Burns, R., Tock, A.J., Rabanal, F.A., Wlodzimierz, P., Habring, A., Nicholas, R.E., Weigel, D. and Mercier, R., 2024. Structural variation and DNA methylation shape the centromere-proximal meiotic crossover landscape in Arabidopsis. Genome Biology, 25(1), p.30.

Wang, T., Wang, H., Lian, Q., Jia, Q., You, C., Copenhaver, G.P., Wang, C. and Wang, Y., 2023. HEI10 is subject to phase separation and mediates RPA1a degradation during meiotic interference-sensitive crossover formation. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 120(52), p.e2310542120.

Vrielynck, N.#, Peuch, M.#, Durand, S., Lian, Q., Chambon, A., Hurel, A., Guérin, J., Guérois, R., Mercier, R., Grelon, M. and Mézard, C., 2023. SCEP1 and SCEP2 are two new components of the synaptonemal complex central element. Nature Plants, 9(12), pp.2016-2030.

Singh, D.K., Lian, Q., Durand, S., Fernandes, J.B., Chambon, A., Hurel, A., Walkemeier, B., Solier, V., Kumar, R. and Mercier, R., 2023. HEIP1 is required for efficient meiotic crossover implementation and is conserved from plants to humans. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 120(23), p.e2221746120.

Vernet, A.#, Meynard, D.#, Lian, Q., Mieulet, D., Gibert, O., Bissah, M., Rivallan, R., Autran, D., Leblanc, O., Meunier, A.C. et al., 2022. High-frequency synthetic apomixis in hybrid rice. Nature Communications, 13(1), p.7963.

Capilla-Pérez, L., Durand, S., Hurel, A., Lian, Q., Chambon, A., Taochy, C., Solier, V., Grelon, M. and Mercier, R., 2021. The synaptonemal complex imposes crossover interference and heterochiasmy in Arabidopsis. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 118(12), p.e2023613118.

Lv, Z.#, Zhao, M.#, Wang, W.#, Wang, Q., Huang, M., Li, C., Lian, Q., Xia, J., Qi, J., Xiang, C., Tang, H. et al., 2021. Changing Gly311 to an acidic amino acid in the MATE family protein DTX6 enhances Arabidopsis resistance to the dihydropyridine herbicides. Molecular Plant, 14(12), pp.2115-2125.

Fang, X.#, Han, Y.#, Liu, M.#, Jiang, J., Li, X., Lian, Q., Xie, X., Huang, Y., Ma, Q., Nian, H., Qi, J. et al., 2021. Modulation of evening complex activity enables north-to-south adaptation of soybean. Science China Life Sciences, 64, pp.179-195.

Wang, H.#, Xu, W.#, Sun, Y., Lian, Q., Wang, C., Yu, C., He, C., Wang, J., Ma, H., Copenhaver, G.P. and Wang, Y., 2020. The cohesin loader SCC2 contains a PHD finger that is required for meiosis in land plants. PLoS Genetics, 16(6), p.e1008849.

Sun, J., Tian, Y., Lian, Q. and Liu, J.X., 2020. Mutation of DELAYED GREENING1 impairs chloroplast RNA editing at elevated ambient temperature in Arabidopsis. Journal of Genetics and Genomics, 47(4), pp.201-212.

Gu, Z., Pan, W., Chen, W., Lian, Q., Wu, Q., Lv, Z., Cheng, X. and Ge, X., 2019. New perspectives on the plant PARP family: Arabidopsis PARP3 is inactive, and PARP1 exhibits predominant poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase activity in response to DNA damage. BMC Plant Biology, 19, pp.1-18.